

  • 完形填空
    You are near the front line of a battle. Around you shells are exploding; people are shooting from a
    house behind you. What are you doing there? You aren't a soldier. You aren't  1  carrying a gun. You're
    standing in front of a  2  and you're telling the TV  3 what is happening.
    It's all in a day's work for a war reporter, and it can be very  4  . In the first two years of the  5  in
    former Yugoslavia (前南斯拉夫), 28 reporters and photographers were killed. Hundreds more were
      6  . What kind of people put themselves in danger to  7  pictures to our TV screens and  8  to our
    newspapers? Why do they do it?
    "I think it's every young journalist's  9 to be a foreign reporter," says Michael Nicholson, "that's 10 
    you find the excitement. So when the first opportunity comes, you take it 11 it is a war."
    But there are moments of  12  . Jeremy Bowen says,  "Yes,when you're lying on the ground and
    bullets(子弹) are flying  13  your ears, you think: 'What am I doing here? I'm not going to do this
    again.' But that feeling 14 after a while and when the next war starts, you'll be 15 ."
    "None of us believes that we're going to 16 ,"  adds Michael. But he always 17  a lucky charm
    (护身符) with him. It was given to him by his wife for his first war. It's a card which says "Take care of
    yourself." Does he ever think about dying?  "Oh,  18  , and every time it happens you look to the sky
    and say to God,'If you get me out of this, I  19  I'll never do it again.' You can almost hear God  20  ,
    because you know he doesn't believe you."
    (     )1. A. simply
    (     )2. A. crowd
    (     )3. A. producers
    (     )4. A. dangerous
    (     )5. A. stay
    (     )6. A. injured
    (     )7. A. bring
    (     )8. A. scenes
    (     )9. A. belief
    (     )10. A. why
    (     )11. A. even so
    (     )12. A. fear
    (     )13. A. into
    (     )14. A. returns
    (     )15. A. there
    (     )16. A. leave
    (     )17. A. hangs
    (     )18. A. never
    (     )19. A. consider
    (     )20. A. whispering
    本题信息:2012年江苏月考题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
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本试题 “完形填空。You are near the front line of a battle. Around you shells are exploding; people are shooting from ahouse behind you. What are you doing ...” 主要考查您对


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