

  • 阅读理解
    "The world has never been a better place to live in,"says science writer Matt Ridley,"and it will keep
    on getting better." Ridley's critics have accused him of his views on climate change and the free market.Yet Ridley,54,sticks to his guns."It is not mad to believe in a happy future for people and the planet.
    "he says.Ridley,who's been a foreign correspondent,a zoologist,an economist,and a financier,brings a
    broad view to his sunny outlook."People say I'm bonkers to claim the world will go on getting better.
    yet I can't stop myself,"he says.Read on to see how Ridley makes his case.
    Compared with 50 years ago,when I was just four years old,the average humannow earns nearly
    three times as much money,eats one third more calories,and can expect to live one third longer.In fact,
    it's hard to find any region of the world that's worse off now than it was then,even though the global
    population has more than doubled over that period.
    City citizens take up less space,use less energy,and have less impact on natural ecosystems than
    country livers.The world's cities now contain over half its people,but they occupy less than 3 percent
    of its land.Urban growth may worry environmentalism,but living in the country is not the best way to
    care for the earth.The best thing we can do for the planet is build more skyscrapers.
    The rich get richer,but the poor do even better.Between 1980 and 2000,the poor doubled their
    consumption.Nigerians are twice as rich and live nine more years.The percentage of the world's
    people living in absolute poverty has dropped by over half.The United Nations estimates that poverty
    was reduced more in the past 50 years than in the previous 500.
    1.Ridley's attitude towards the human future is        .
    2.According to Paragraph 2,the improvement of people's life is great in their        .
    A.earning much money,eating more and living happily
    B.earning more money,better food and living longer
    C.spending more money,richer food and easy life
    D.higher pay,various foodand active life
    3.The writer believes that        .
    A.urban living is a good thing
    B.all people should live in cities
    C.living in the countryside causes trouble
    D.tall buildings should be built in the country
    4.The last paragraph mainly tells us that        .
    A.the poor people benefit more than the rich
    B.poverty in the world nearly disappears
    C.the percentage of the rich has dropped by over half
    D.the rich get more benefit than the ordinary people
    5.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
    A.Go ahead!
    B.Calm Down!
    C.Cheer Up!
    D.Take Care!
    本题信息:2012年江西省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:谢雪莲
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本试题 “阅读理解。"The world has never been a better place to live in,"says science writer Matt Ridley,"and it will keepon getting better." Ridley's criti...” 主要考查您对


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