

  • 阅读理解
    It seems that fate likes to play strange jokes on those who are famous.The manner in which
    fate saved Clive of India for his mission in history is a matter of record.Downhearted, ill, and
    depressed, Clive, then a young clerk, placed a revolver(左轮枪手) to his head and snapped
    the trigger time after time.It refused to fire and he realised that suicide was not to be his lot.A
    subordinate (下属) took the same pistol from Clive's hand and fired it six times in succession
    A somewhat different but disturbing fate laid in store for Robert Todd Lincoln, the eldest son
    of the Civil War President.Young Lincoln had received orders to report to Washington.In White
    House he was told that his parents had gone to Fords Theatre and they had requested that he
    join them there.Robert Todd Lincoln went to the theatre and, just as he entered the building, he
    was stretched back by a crowd of excited people, among whom were the stretcher bearerscarrying
    the dying President.
    During the administration of President Garfield, Robert Todd Lincoln became Secretary of War.
    He was a close personal friend of President Garfield and, when the President prepared to leave for
    a visit to the seashore at Elberton, New Jersey, Secretary Lincoln accepted an invitation to go along
    .As Secretary Lincoln reached the railway station, he encountered the stretcher bearers carrying out
    the fatally wounded President Garfield, victim of an assassin's(刺客) bullet.
    Twenty years later, as Robert Todd Lincoln entered the Temple of Music in Buffalo to greet
    President McKinley, the President was carried past him by stretcher bearers.Garfield, Lincoln, and
    McKinley were the presidents to be assassinated (暗杀), and Robert Todd Lincoln was the only
    man who was on the scene immediately after all the shootings.
    1.From the first paragraph, we can infer that Clive____.
    A.tried to kill himself but was saved by a subordinate
    B.remained a clerk all his life
    C.became famous later in life
    D.was a man who liked to play jokes
    2.Which of the following is true about the subordinate?
    A.He fired the gun.
    B.He tried to kill himself but failed.
    C.He didn't know how to use a revolver.
    D.He was not pleased with his position.
    3.What kind of fate was lying there for Robert Todd Lincoln?
    A.He escaped narrow death three times.
    B.He was lucky enough to hold important positions in the government of three presidents.
    C.He was the only man who saw the deaths of three presidents.
    D.He was the only man who arrived immediately after the three presidents were shot.
    4.Who was the most lucky of the people mentioned in the passage?
    A.The subordinate.
    C.Robert Todd Lincoln.
    5.What would be the best title for the passage?
    A.The Fatal Witness
    B.Different Fates for Different People
    C.The Shootings of Three Presidents
    D.The Sad Life of Robert Todd Lincoln
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:谢雪莲
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  • 故事类阅读




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