

  • 完形填空
    After finishing working at the hospital that day, I was driving home after a particularly busy night call. In
    front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the roof,  1  a small metal railing (栏杆). As
    the  2  weaved through traffic, I could see the boys  3  from side to side.  4  , a boy fell off the back of
    the bus. He  5  the road face down, bounced once, and  6  . He lay  7  in the middle of the road as the bus
    sped away. The cars directly behind the bus  8  to avoid the boy, but none stopped. Part of me understood-if
    he died, it would mean police involvement and  9  problems. In fact, I felt the same willing to keep going, 10 
    the willing to stop and help was 11 . I knew that if the boy was bleeding into his brain, he could 12 in a
    matter of minutes. He had to get to hospital quickly.
    I stopped my car and carefully 13 the boy, who appeared to be about 20. His face was covered in 14 -he
    had a long deep cut on his forehead and another above his right ear. There didn't seem to be any other injuries.
    I  5  to apply pressure to the cuts to stop the bleeding but failed. With the  6  of some bystanders, I lifted his
    unconscious body into the back seat of my car. I asked a couple of men to  7  me, but they shrank away from
    further involvement, I jumped in the car and  8  to the hospital. On reaching the emergency entrance, I  9  ,
    "Head injury!" Hospital staff wheeled the boy into the emergency room, while I gave a quick 10 to the on-call
    After an initial examination, the doctors determined that he was most likely bleeding into his brain. Luckily
    the boy was saved at last.
    (     )1.A. getting    
    (     )2.A. driver     
    (     )3.A. dancing    
    (     )4.A. Slowly     
    (     )5.A. jumped     
    (     )6.A. rolled over
    (     )7.A. careless   
    (     )8.A. broke      
    (     )9.A. improper  
    (     )10.A. and       
    (     )11.A. nicer     
    (     )12.A. die       
    (     )13.A. examined  
    (     )14.A. mud       
    (     )15.A. managed   
    (     )16.A. watch     
    (     )17.A. accompany  
    (     )18.A. slipped   
    (     )19.A. said      
    (     )20.A. truth     
    B. holding    
    B. students   
    B. fighting   
    B. Quickly    
    B. hit        
    B. came over  
    B. motionless 
    B. braked     
    B. unimportant
    B. so         
    B. bigger     
    B. live       
    B. found      
    B. blood      
    B. refused    
    B. neglect    
    B. approve    
    B. tumed      
    B. repeated   
    B. complaint        
    C. fixing     
    C. walkers    
    C. shaking    
    C. Likely     
    C. fell       
    C. got over   
    C. hopeless   
    C. moved      
    C. unnecessary    
    C. or         
    C. weaker     
    C. save       
    C. touched    
    C. tears      
    C. tried      
    C. respect    
    C. observe    
    C. raced      
    C. weeped     
    C. history    
    D. painting    
    D. passengers  
    D. looking     
    D. Suddenly    
    D. got         
    D. took over   
    D. fearless    
    D. checked     
    D. inconvenient              
    D. but         
    D. stronger    
    D. hurt        
    D. operated    
    D. scars       
    D. planned     
    D. help        
    D. applaud     
    D. went        
    D. shouted     
    D. look        

    本题信息:2011年0125月考题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
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