

  • 阅读理解
    Catherine comes from Australia. She's very smart. She has studied in Sydney University for about  4
    years. When vacations come, she usually returns to the town where she was born. She loves teaching,
    and hopes she can be a teacher in her hometown.
    Ami then she found a job in a middle school soon after she graduated. She likes her work, and sings
    and dances with her students, Now she has been making a lot of friends in the town and also a good
    friend of her students. But after some time, she got interested in all kinds of parties, playing and dancing
    with her friends, and did not work hard. At the same time, she was often late for school. Other teachers
    were not happy with her and reported her to Mr. Smith, the headmaster. He got angry, because he was
    very strict with the school teachers.
    The next morning, he has been waiting for Catherine at the school gate from 7:30 to 8:30. He didn't
    see her. About nine, she hurried to school. When she saw the headmaster, she stopped and didn't know
    what to say.
    " Sorry, Mr. Smith. My watch... "
    Mr. Smith shouted at her angrily, "Change your watch, or I'll change you. "
    1. Catherine is         now.
    A. a university student
    B. a French teacher
    C. a famous dancer
    D. a school teacher
    2. Many people in the town know the girl because_______.
    A. she teaches well in the middle school
    B. her students love her so much
    C. she likes singing and dancing with them
    D. she likes being late for school
    3.________,so she's very busy after work.
    A. Catherine is often asked to the parties
    B. Catherine has a lot of work to do
    C. Catherine spends much time on her work
    D. Catherine loves teaching very much
    4. Catherine often goes to work late because__________.
    A. she can't go to bed on time
    B. she doesn't like her work at all
    C. something is wrong with the school
    D. she lives very far from the school
    5. What does "Change your watch,or I'll change you. "mean?
    A. He told the girl to buy a better watch.
    B. He told the girl to work harder.
    C. He won't let the girl to be a teacher again.
    D. She will be sent away if she's late again.
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:文增丽
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