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    Why do parents deny their kids’ weight?
    Experts in childhood nutrition aren’t surprised by an investigation this summer that shows 50%of parents who have overweight children don’t realize their children Weigh too much.Many parents deny their children’s weight because they don’t want to have to change their own eating and exercise habits,says Keith Ayoob, a doctor who works with overweight children and their families in New York City.
    Parents frequently ask him whether their children have a thyroid(甲状腺) problem, but that’s rarely the case.“1t’s usually a dietary(有关饮食的) and lifestyle issue.It’s very difficult for parents to deal with their own food issues,”Ayoob says.An estimated 25 million children in the USA are overweight, which puts them at risk of developing diabetes(糖尿病), high blood Pressure and other health problems.A Consumer Reports magazine investigation released on July 25,2009 of 3.048 parents who have children aged 5 to 17 found that 91% say childhood obesity (肥胖) is a problem in the USA.
    Only 36%of the parents with heavy children say their family doctors have suggested their children lose weight;the other 64%say the doctors didn’t mention it.“Many parents simply don’t realize their children are overweight.”says Keith Ayoob.“The doctors never told them.Other kids in the class look like their children.and their kids seem pretty healthy.”he says.
    He has parents go to the calculator on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website to figure out whether their children are too heavy.
    小题1:Why do many parents fail to admit their children are overweight?
    A.Because they think it a shame to be overweight.
    B.Because they want to keep their own eating and exercise habits.
    C.Because they want to change their own eating and exercise habits.
    D.Because they want their children to have more nutrition.
    小题2:What is the probable cause of childhood obesity?
    A.Thyroid problem.B.High blood pressure.
    C.Dietary and lifestyle habit.D.Diabetes.
    小题3:It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that the family doctors’ advice     
    A.has no influence on many parents
    B.has much influence on many parents
    C.has little influence on many parents
    D.is totally accepted by many parents
    小题4:What advice does Keith Ayoob give to parents?
    A.He advises that parents should go and ask their family doctors in person.
    B.He advises that the children should have a medical examination regularly.
    C.He advises that school should force the children to eat less and exercise more.
    D.He advises parents to go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for the information.

    本题信息:英语阅读理解难度容易 来源:未知
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