

  • 阅读理解
    The Pitcairn Islands, a group of four volcanic islands, are a British overseas territory (殖民地). The names
    of the islands are Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno; Only Pitcairn Island, the second largest, is inhabited
    Henderson Island is a coral (珊瑚) island raised above the South Pacific Ocean, covering about 67% of the
    territory's total land area. It has an area of 37.3 square kilometres, measuring 9.6 kilometres long and 5.1
    kilometres wide. In 1988, it became a World Heritage Site (世界遗产保护区) because of its bird life.
    All the four kinds of special land bird (Henderson Crake, Henderson Fruit Dove, Henderson Lorikeet and
    Henderson Reed-warbler) can only be seen on Henderson Island. There are also fifteen non-local seabirds.
    Other local things include nine kinds of plants, four kinds of land snails, and one butterfly (the only kind on
    the island).
    Although no people live on Henderson Island, evidence suggests that a small Polynesian group lived here
    between the 12th and 15th centuries until it disappeared. The reasons for the disappearance are unknown,
    but are probably related to the similar disappearance of the Poly-nesians on Pitcairn Island, on whom the
    Hendersonians would have depended for many of the basics of the life.
    On January 29, 1606. Henderson island was discovered by Portuguese sailor Pedro Queiros, who named
    it San Joao Baptista. On January 17, 1819 the island was rediscovered by British Captain Henderson of the
    British East India Company ship Hercules, and named Henderson Island. On March 2, 1819, Captain Henry
    King, sailing aboard the Elizabeth, landed on the island to find the king's flag already flying. He scratched
    the name of their ship on a tree, and for some years the island's name was Elizabeth or Henderson.
    In the early 1980s, American Arthur Ratliff expressed interest.in buying Henderson island and establishing
    a small settlement. But the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office refused it at last, after environmentalist
    groups persuaded them to protect the natural ecology and environment of the island which was later named
    a World Heritage Site.
    Pitcairners have made regular trips to Henderson to harvest the wood of trees. Usually they make
    adventures to Henderson only once per year, but may make up to three trips if the weather is fine enough.
    1. Henderson Island was called a World Heritage Site mainly because _____.
    [     ]

    A. there are no people living on it
    B. some of the birds can't be found in other places
    C. it is the largest island of four volcanic islands
    D. It is a coral island above the South Pacific Ocean
    2. When did the island get its present name?
    [     ]

    A. On January 29, 1606.
    B. On January 17, 1819.
    C. On March 2, 1819.
    D. In the early 1980s.
    3. Ratliff's request to buy the island was refused because _____.
    [     ]

    A. it was a World Heritage Site
    B. Ratliff offered a very low price
    C. it is very dangerous to live there
    D. the environment there can't be destroyed
    4. It can be inferred from the text that _____.
    [     ]

    A. Polynesians first came to Henderson Island
    B. Pitcairners can get to Henderson Island easily now
    C. volcano eruption caused the Hendersonians to disappear
    D. most Pitcairners used to live in Henderson Island
    本题信息:2011年安徽省模拟题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
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本试题 “阅读理解。The Pitcairn Islands, a group of four volcanic islands, are a British overseas territory (殖民地). The namesof the islands are Pitcairn, ...” 主要考查您对


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