

  • 阅读理解
    My Garden by Nelson Mandela
    In early 1977, the authorities (当局) announced the physical labour and arranged some kind of work for
    us to do in the courtyard. The free time also allowed me to hunt what became two of my favorite hobbies in
    Robben Island-gardening and tennis.
    To survive in prison, one must develop ways to take satisfaction in one's daily life. One can feel fulfilled
    (充实) by washing one's clothes so that they are particularly clean. Just as one takes pride in important tasks
    outside of prison, one can find the same pride in doing small things inside prison.
    Almost from the beginning of my sentence on Robben Island, I asked the authorities for permission to
    start a garden in the courtyard For years, they refused without offering a reason But finally they gave in, and
    we were able to cut out a small garden on a narrow patch of earth against the far wall.
    The soil in the courtyard was dry and rocky. In order to start my garden, I had to remove a great many
    rocks to allow the plant room to grow.
    The authorities supplied me with seeds. At first, I planned tomatoes and onions, because these plants did
    not require rich earth or constant care. The early harvests were poor, but they soon improved.
    I began to order books on gardening. I studied different gardening techniques and types of fertilizers (肥
    料). I did not have many of the materials the book discussed, but I learned by trial and error (反复实验). For
    a time, I tried to grow peanuts, and used different soils and fertilizers, but finally I gave up. It was one of my
    few failures.
    A garden was one of the few things in prison that one could control. The process of planting a seed,
    watching it grow, taking care of it and then harvesting it offered a simple but long-lasting satisfaction. The
    sense of being the owner of the small patch of earth offered a small taste of freedom.
    1. Mandela's hobbies on Robben Island were ____.
    A. hunting and physical labour
    B. gardening and tennis
    C. washing his clothes
    D. gardening techniques and types of fertilizers
    2. When did Mandela ask the prison authorities for the permission to start a small garden?
    A. Soon after 1997.
    B. Some time in early 1977.
    C. Almost as soon as he went to prison there.
    D. Long after he went to prison there.
    3. Why did Mandela wash his clothes especially clean although he was in prison?
    A. To show he could do it as well as others.
    B. To get some sense of pride and satisfaction from it.
    C. To show others that he preferred to be clean.
    D. To gain the authorities' permission to start a garden.
    4. Hard as he tried, he failed ____ at last.
    A. to order books on gardening
    B. to grow tomatoes and onions
    C. to grow peanuts
    D. to get the same pride inside prison.
    本题信息:2011年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
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