

  • 阅读理解
    Emily and Madison were having a great time on their field trip. After a morning at the science museum
    they went to their favorite fast food place. Emily got her food first. When Madison sat down next to her,
    Emily couldn't believe her eyes. Madison had two hamburgers, three containers of French fries, an apple
    pie, a soda, and a shake on her tray.
    "Why do you have so much food?" Emily asked. "I'm so tired of being really skinny (极瘦的)," Madison
    said,"so I've decided to eat lots of food and try to gain weight."
    Trying to gain weight by stuffing (塞, 填) yourself with extra calories like Madison did is a bad idea. It
    can make you sick if you're naturally short or thin- so just listen to your appetite (胃口) and eat only as
    much as your body tells you to. Once in a while, a health problem can keep a kid from gaining weight. The
    kid usually goes to a specialist who can check things out, or to a registered dietitian (饮食学家) who has
    lots of tips on how to eat well. But most of the time, thin kids don't need to see a doctor or go on a special
    Here's another surprise. Kids who are thin need to exercise. A lot of people use exercise to keep their
    weight under control or to lose weight. But exercise serves many other purposes, too. Moving around helps
    you develop important skills and helps your body get stronger. And unless a kid has gone through puberty
    (青春期), weight-lifting won't build bigger muscles. It also could hurt bones, joints, and muscles.
    You want to help your body, not hurt it. Treat it right and you'll grow and develop just the way you
    1. The opening part of this passage about Emily and Madison is used to _____.
    A. tell us that Emily was not pleased with Madison
    B. introduce the topic of gaining weight
    C. suggest that Emily and Madison often went to their field trip
    D. tell us that Emily and Madison were close friends
    2. If you are short and thin as you should you'd better _____.
    A. eat as much as you want to every day
    B. see a doctor as soon as possible
    C. force yourself to eat more every day
    D. eat as much as you can to gain weight
    3. Which one of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
    A. Only fat people need to exercise to lose weight.
    B. Madison should have much food because she was thin.
    C. Thin people also need to exercise.
    D. You must be ill if you are too thin or too short.
    4. What would be the best title for the passage?
    A. The thinner You Are the More You Should Eat.
    B. Emily and Madison - Two Close Friends.
    C. The Thinner You Are the Better You Will Be.
    D. What Should You Do if You Are Thin?
    本题信息:2011年0116月考题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
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