

  • 阅读理解
    Zhang Ziyi First movie in English:
         In 2001, Zhang had a small part in an American
    film (Rush Hour 2) with Jackie Chan. The role was
    difficult because she didn't speak English. Chan had
    to translate everything from Chinese into English for
    How she learned English:
         After Rush Hour 2, Zhang studied English in
    New York City. She also watched television and
    listened to music in English. She liked watching TV
    advertisements since the actors spoke slowly and
    Biggest challenge:
          Playing the leading role in the film Memoirs
    of a Geisha. A friend told Zhang. "It will be
    difficult to express your feelings in English." This
    made Zhang nervous, but she took the part and
    studied harder. As a result, her role in the movie
    was a big hit.
    Shakira First album in English:
         Laundry Service
    How she learned English:
         Many people wanted to translate Shakira's songs from
    Spanish into English. Shakira agreed, but she felt nervous
    about losing control of her music. So she decided to
    write her own songs in English. Shakira studied grammar
    and common expressions. She also wanted to know how
    people use English to express their feelings. So she also
    listened to the radio, read newspapers and poems.
    Biggest challenge:
         Writing her first songs in English. Sometimes,
    finding the right words was difficult. Today, Shakira
    writes and performs her music in Spanish and English
    for fans around the world.

    1. The movie Rush Hour 2 was difficult for Zhang Ziyi because ________.
    A. she didn't speak English
    B. it was her first movie
    C. she was a leading role in it
    D. she didn't hear English well
    2. Zhang Ziyi studied English in ________ after Rush Hour 2.
    A. China
    B. America
    C. Canada
    D. England
    3. From the passage,we can know that Shakira ________ at first.
    A. was very good at English
    B. never sang songs in English
    C. didn't know English at all
    D. couldn't write songs in English
    4. Shakira did NOT learn English by ________.
    A. reading newspapers
    B. studying grammar
    C. watching TV ads
    D. listening to the radio
    5. ________ was hard for both Zhang Ziyi and Shakira in using English.
    A. How to speak English slowly
    B. How to perform music in English
    C. How to express feelings
    D. How to pronounce the new words
    本题信息:2011年湖北省中考真题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张琳贺
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。Zhang Ziyi First movie in English: In 2001, Zhang had a small part in an Americanfilm (Rush Hour 2) with Jackie Chan. The role wasdifficu...” 主要考查您对


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