

  • 单选题
    It's no use ____ to persuade him to get rid of that habit; he can't make ____.
    [     ]

    A. trying, it
    B. to try; it
    C. trying; that
    D. to try; that
    本题信息:2011年期末题英语单选题难度一般 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “It's no use ____ to persuade him to get rid of that habit; he can't make ____.[ ]A. trying, itB. to try; itC. trying; thatD. to try; that” 主要考查您对



  • 动名词
  • it的用法




如:One of the best exercises is swimming. 游泳是最好的运动项目之一。 
        What pleases him most is bathing in the sea. 最使他高兴的事是在海中沐浴。 
        The situation both at home and abroad is very in-spiring. 国内外的形势都很鼓舞人心。
        The color is pleasing to the eye. 颜色悦目。
如:Our work is serving the people.
      (=Serving the people is our work.)我们的工作是为人民服务。 
        The news was disappointing. 那消息令人失望。
如:What he said was very encouraging. 他的话很鼓舞人心。
        Our goal is realizing the four modernizations in the near future. 我们的目标是在不久的将来实现四个现代化。
(4)现在分词与形容词一样可以和more,the most构成形容词的比较级和最高级,而动名词则不可以。
如:The story is the most fascinating. 那个故事最迷人。
如:His speech seems inspiring.他的演讲似乎很鼓舞人心。
        His interest is writing for the news papers. 他的爱好是给报社写文章。
如:a swimming girl=a girl who is swimming 一个在游泳的姑娘
        a walking stick=a stick that is used for walking 一根拐杖
如:The girl wearing glasses is one of his students. 戴眼镜的那个女孩是他的一个学生。
        I bought some reading materials. 我买了一些阅读材料。


例如:Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。 
a. 有些动词可以用动名词作宾语。
例如:admit承认 appreciate感激 avoid避免 complete完成 consider认为 delay耽误 deny否认 detest讨厌 endure忍受 enjoy喜欢 escape逃脱 fancy想象 finish完成 imagine想象 mind介意 miss想念 postpone推迟 practice训练 recall回忆 resent讨厌 resume继续 resist抵抗 risk冒险 suggest建议 face面对 include包括 stand忍受 understand理解 forgive宽恕 keep继续
例如:Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗?
        The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. 这松鼠幸运得很,刚逃避了被逮住的厄运。     
b. 有些结构后面可以用动名词作宾语或其他成分。
例如:admit to  prefer...to   burst out   keep on   insist on   count on   set about   put off   be good at   take up   give up   be successful in   be used to   lead to  devote oneself to   object to  stick to  no good   no use be fond of   look forward to  be proud of   be busy   can't help  be tired of   be capable of   be afraid of   think of
例如:Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children. 她的工作是洗刷、清扫和照顾孩子。
比较:She is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children.
例如:a writing desk=a desk for writing 写字台
            a swimming pool=a pool swimming 游泳池
例如:boiling point=a temperature point at which something begins to boil 沸点
            a walking tractor=a tractor which a driver can operate while he or she is walking behind it 手扶拖拉机







it 的用法:

1、it可指天气、温度、时间、距离等 。
如:It is cold today, isn't it?
如:The dog is not  acold-blooded animals.  It doesn't need to hibernate.
如:I tried to persuade my father to give up smoking, but found it impossible. (it=to persuade my father to give up smoking)
如:—What's this?
        —It's an album.
        —Whose new bike is that?
        —It's Mary's.
        it=the(this, that)+名词,特指并且代替前面所提到的某特定事物。
如:He's bought a new car, so he drives it everywhere to show ito ff.
如:He needs a computer, but he can't afford one.
如:The population of China is larger than that of Japan.  that指代population,但其后有一个of短语作定语,以区别于the population of China。
如:I like the climate of Kunming more than that of Beijing.
       The climate of Kunming is mild, and I like it.
5、It/This/That+be+the first(second, third...) time+that-clause 这个句型表示截止到说话时为止的某人的一种经历,关键是注意time前有序数词,主句是一般现在时is时,从句要用现在完成时;如果主句用一般过去时was时,则从句须相应地用过去完成时。
如:This is the first time(that) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.
        It was the fifth time(that) I had paid a friendly visit to America.
如:He's never really made it as an actor. 作为演员,他从未获得过真正的成功。
        It is my turn. 轮到我了。


原句:I told Jim the news in our office yesterday.
强调主语:It was I that/who told Jim the news in our office yesterday.
强调宾语:It was Jim that I told the news in our office yesterday.
            或:It was the news that I told Jim in our office yesterday.
强调地点状语:It was in our office that I told Jim the news yesterday.
强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I told Jim the news in our office.
如:Was it you that told Jim the news in your office yesterday?
如:Who was it that told Jim the news in your office yesterday?
【注】强调句与主语从句虽然在形式上很相似,即都含有it is(was)...that。但,区别在于:强调句去掉it is(was)…that之后,句子结构仍然完整,而主语从句却不能这样。
如:(It is)our hope(that) the two sides will work towards peace.
解析:去掉It is…that之后,句子是不成立的。由此得出该句不是强调句,而是一个简单的主语从句,it是形式主语,从句是真正的主语。


1、it 作形式主语:
it 在句中可作形式主语,而真正作主语的主语从句需要放在句子的末尾。主语从句后置常用以下几种结构:
1)It is/was+adj.+subject-clause可用于此句型的形容词有:
clear, certain, funny, good, impossible, likely, natural, obvious, possible, probable, strange, surprising, true, unusual, wonderful等。
如:It is obvious that going for sports will do a lot of good to your health.
2)It+be+adj./n.(forsb./ofsb.)+todosth. 该句型中的形容词通常表示事物的特点或特征的,如:
difficult, hard, easy, impossible, necessary, important等,此时用for;或表示人的性格特征或特点的,如:
nice, good, bad, kind, silly, foolish, wise, clever, careless, rude, brave, cruel, careful, grateful等,这时要用of 。
3)It is/was+名词词组+subject-clause可用于该结构的名词词组有:
a pity/duty, a good thing, no surprise, good news, an honor, a fact, a mystery, a shame, manners等。
 如:It's a pity that I didn't attend the party.
4)It is/was+V-ed+subject-clause可用于该结构的动词的过去分词有:
said, reported, thought, supposed, believed, hoped, expected, known, decided, announced, arranged等。
如:It is said that something had been done to end the pollution.
注:本句还可改写为:Something is said to have been done to end the pollution.
5)It+vi.+subject-clause可用于该结构的动词有:appear, seem, happen, occur等。
 如:It appeared to scientists that the stars had moved.
6)It doesn't matter(makes no difference,etc.) +连接代词或连接副词引起的从句作宾语。
如:It doesn't matter whether he'll join the army or not.
        It makes no difference where we have the conference.
It takes sb. some time to do sth.
如:It will take you two days to get there on foot. 
It costs sb. some money to do sth.
如:It costs 1,000 dollars to fly to America.
It is/was no use(useless) doing(做什么是没有用处的)
如:It's no use arguing with him.
It is/was no good doing(做什么是没有好处的)
① It is/was important(necessary, strange) that...;
     It is/was ordered(required, suggested, proposed) that...;
     It is/was a pity(a shame) that...表示遗憾等感情的句子中,主语从句要用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。
如:It's necessary that he(should) be operated on at once.
② It is (high)time that...结构中用should+动词原形(should不能省略)或动词过去式。
如:It is high time that you should make(made) full use of your time to go over your lessons.

1)动词consider(feel, find, think等)+it+形容词(名词)+不定式(动词-ing形式,从句)。
 如:She thinks it no use telling me.
如:We would appreciate it if you could come to help us.
3)dependon, relyon, see to(负责/设法做到), takeforgranted(习以为常)等短语后跟that从句时,要以it作形式宾语。
如:We're depending on it that he will finish the job by Friday.

“it ”引起的几个易混淆的时间句型:

1)It be+时间+since-clause 这个句型表示从since从句谓语动作发生以后到现在或过去所经过的一段时间,意为“自从…以来已多久了”,主句多用一般现在时,从句用一般过去时,如果表示过去的情况,主句一般用过去时,从句用过去完成时,或主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。
如:It's five years since they got married. 他们结婚已经5年了。 
        It's five years since they were married. 他们离婚已经5年了。
        It's ten years since his father was a worker. 他父亲不当工人已经10年了。
        I haven't seen him since we were boys together. 我们长大以后再没有见过面。 
2)It be+时间+before-clause 这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语(如:long years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes),主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才…”。主句的谓语动词是否定式时,意为“没过多长时间就…”。主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时willbe;用was时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用willbe时,before从句常用一般现在时。 如:It was not long before she learned those poems by heart. 她没过多久就背会了那些诗。
        It was long before the police arrived. 过了很久警察才来。
        It will be hours before he makes a decision. 要过好几个小时他才会作出决定。
        It will not be hours before we meet again. 要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的
3)It be+时间+when-clause 这个句型中,it指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般是具体时间)。主句和从句中的谓语动词在时态上是一致的,主句是willbe,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时。
如:It was already 8 o'clock when we got home.
        It will be late afternoon when they get there. 
4)It be+时间+that-clause 这个句型是个强调句型。
如:It was at 5o'clock that he practiced playing the violin in the morning. (原句是:He practiced playing the violin at 5o'clock in the morning.)
比较:It was 5o'clock when he started in the morning.(5o'clock前没有介词,这个是定语从句)
5)It be+time+that-clause 这个句型属虚拟语气结构,不管主句中用的是is或was,that从句都须用动词的过去式或should+动词原形(但不及物动词通常用过去式),在time之前有时可以加上high 或about 以加强语气。
如:It is high time(that) he wrote a letter to his girl friend.
        It is time(that) we made people's life a little easier.= It is time that we should make people's life a little easier.