

  • 完形填空
    True forgiveness is one of the most remarkable qualities a human can possess!
    In the fighting between two countries in the 1970s, a young man was walking from one village to the
    next when he was  1  by an armedguerrilla(游击队) fighter from the enemy country. The fighter
      2  the young man down the hill where he was to be  3  .
    But a (n)  4  thing happened. The young man, who had  5  military(军事的) training, was able
    todisarm (解除武装) the fighter. Now, the table was  6  , and it was the fighter who was ordered
    down the hill.
    As they walked,  7  , the young man began to reflect on what was happening. Recalling the  8  of
    his mother, "Love your enemies; do good to those who  9  you." he found he could go no further. He
      10  the gun into the bushes, told the fighter he was  11 to go and turned back  12  the hill.
    Minutes later, he heard footsteps  13 behind him as he walked. "Is this the end after all?" he  14  .
    Perhaps the fighter had got the gun and wanted to finish him off.
    But he continued on,  15  glancing back, until his enemy reached him, only to grab him in a hug and
    pour out 16 for sparing his life.
    Mercy often wears the face of  17  . And though it usually isn't an enemy in uniform that we are
    challenged to forgive, we hav 18  for mercy every day. Family members and friends, co-workers and
    neighbors and even strangers have 19 for our forgiveness. You know who they are.
    As Mahatma Gandhi said, "The  20  can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute (特性) of the
    strong." Be strong. Forgive.
    (     )1. A. shot
    (     )2. A. demanded
    (     )3. A. beaten
    (     )4. A. amazing
    (     )5. A. watched
    (     )6. A. turned
    (     )7. A. thus
    (     )8. A. expressions
    (     )9. A. forgive
    (     )10. A. packed
    (     )11. A. free
    (     )12.  A. for
    (     )13. A. showing
    (     )14. A. shouted
    (     )15. A. seldom
    (     )16. A. marks
    (     )17. A. awareness
    (     )18. A. opportunities
    (     )19. A. need
    (     )20. A. lonely
    本题信息:2012年浙江省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
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