

  • 阅读理解
    I was small for my age. I was shy and sometimes it was hard for me to make friends with others.
    However, learning came fairly easy for me. I was the best in most of my classes, but PE class was my
    nightmare (恶梦) and made me feel that I was not as good as the others. Miss Forsythe was our PE
    teacher. She was young and energetic. Everyone liked her. She said that we all had to come to her classes.
    No one could hide from Miss Forsythe!
    One day she told me that she wanted me to play a game with another girl in a PE show. I was rather
    worried that I wouldn't do a good job as she explained her idea, but she was excited. With her encouragement,
    I had no choice but to agree.
    It was a "boy meets girl" game. I played the boy and my classmate, Margaret Ann, played the girl. We
    were dressed in evening clothes and danced around the floor. According to Miss Forsythe, I had to pick up
    Margaret Ann as we finished the dance. Since I was not strong enough to pick the tallest girl up, it was she
    who picked me up. I suddenly felt ten feet tall! It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for
    our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending! Afterwards, I smiled confidently (自信地).
    Miss Forsythe's understanding and willingness to create a place for me in her show (which certainly did
    not need me) gave me some much needed confidence. She was and always will be my favorite teacher.
    1. What do we know about Miss Forsythe?
    [     ]

    A. She was good at dancing.
    B. She was a strict and understanding teacher.
    C. She liked to play games with the students after class.
    D. She was a teacher who taught students how to dance.
    2. How did the author feel about the game at first?
    [     ]

    A. She was excited.
    B. She thought it would be fun.
    C. She was disappointed.
    D. She was nervous.
    3. According to the passage, the most exciting part of the game was when the author _____.
    [     ]

    A. was dressed in the evening clothes
    B. acted as a boy
    C. danced around the floor
    D. was held up by her classmate
    4. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
    [     ]

    A. Miss Forsythe had planned the game that way on purpose (故意地)
    B. Miss Forsythe helped the author pick up the tallest girl
    C. the author was afraid when she felt ten feet tall
    D. the author lost confidence by dancing with her Classmate
    5. What is the best title for the passage?
    [     ]

    A. Our PE Teacher -Miss Forsythe
    B. My School Life
    C. My Nightmare-PE Classes
    D. A Game with My Classmate
    本题信息:2010年0103月考题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。I was small for my age. I was shy and sometimes it was hard for me to make friends with others.However, learning came fairly easy for me....” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。