

  • 完形填空
    It was Christmas in 1961.I was teaching in a small town where my twentyseven third graders eagerly
    __1__ the great day of giftgiving in advance.
    Each day the children produced some new __2__ - strings of popcorn, handmade trinkets and
    German bell.Through it all she remained alone, __3__ from a distance, seemingly miles away.I wondered
    what __4__ happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now suddenly so withdrawn.I hoped the festivities
    would __5__ her.But nothing did.The students made the fried marbles and competed with one anther to
    bring the __6__ ones.
    The day of giftgiving finally came.We cheered over our handiwork as the presents were __7__.All
    along, she sat quietly watching.To see her smile, I had made a special bag for her.She opened it so slowly
    and carefully.I waited but she __8__.I had not passed through the wall of isolation she had __9__ around
    After school, I sat down in a chair, hardly __10__ of what was happening, when she came to me
    with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, and slightly soiled, __11__ it had been held many
    times by __12__, childish hands.She said nothing."For me?" I asked.She didn't say a word, but __13__
    her head.I took the box and cautiously opened it.There inside, glistening green, a fried marble __14__
    from a golden chain.Then I looked into that eight-year-old __15__ and saw the question in her dark
    brown eyes.In a flash, I knew - she had __16__ it for her mother, who had died just three weeks before
    and would never hold her or brush her hair or __17__ her childish joys or sorrows.
    I meant it when I whispered, "Oh, Maria, it is so beautiful.Your mother would __18__ it." Neither of
    us could stop the __19__.She threw herself into my arms and we wept together.And for that brief
    moment, I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest __20__ of all: her trust and love.
    (     )1. A. prepared    
    (     )2. A. fancies    
    (     )3. A. seeing       
    (     )4. A. would     
    (     )5. A. attend to    
    (     )6. A. prettiest    
    (     )7. A. transformed  
    (     )8. A. gave away  
    (     )9. A. built    
    (     )10. A. afraid    
    (     )11. A. when      
    (     )12. A. untouched  
    (     )13. A. nodded    
    (     )14. A. protected  
    (     )15. A. face    
    (     )16. A. bought    
    (     )17. A. appreciate  
    (     )18. A. love    
    (     )19. A. laugh      
    (     )20. A. joy  
    B. reserved    
    B. impressions    
    B. playing  
    B. should    
    B. appeal to  
    B. wisest    
    B. informed      
    B. threw away    
    B. adjusted  
    B. aware    
    B. while    
    B. unknown        
    B. raised    
    B. hung      
    B. cheek    
    B. exchanged  
    B. enjoy          
    B. benefit  
    B. excitement  
    B. identity      
    C. expected
    C. wonders  
    C. searching  
    C. must      
    C. listen to  
    C. heaviest  
    C. exchanged  
    C. carried away  
    C. offered  
    C. content  
    C. as though  
    C. unwashed  
    C. dropped  
    C. held      
    C. hair      
    C. made      
    C. communicate  
    C. dislike  
    C. tears    
    C. contribution  
    D. waited              
    D. possessions        
    D. watching            
    D. needed              
    D. object to          
    D. naughtiest          
    D. deserted            
    D. turned away        
    D. filled              
    D. fond                
    D. even if            
    D. unpacked            
    D. turned              
    D. escaped            
    D. forehead            
    D. stole              
    D. share              
    D. need                
    D. description        
    D. gift                

    本题信息:2013年江苏同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空It was Christmas in 1961.I was teaching in a small town where my twentyseven third graders eagerly__1__ the great day of giftgiving in adva...” 主要考查您对


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