

  • 阅读理解
    Try touring the Shanghai World Expo Site at night if you are tired of the endless queues, the blazing
    sun and crowds of people during the daytime. Nitht -time tickets for the Shanghai World Expo are already available, and tourists can enjoy a completely different view when night falls.
    First, night -time tickets are much cheaper and tourists can avoid peak hours. A daytime ticket costs
    160 yuan, while a night-time ticket only costs 90 yuan.
    Second , night-time tickets save tourists a significant amount of time spent in queues so they can visit
    more pavilions. On the whole, although going at night allows only half the time during the day, tourists
    spend less time in queues and can visit roughly as many pavilions as in the daytime.
    Third, the lights are all on at night, giving tourists a wonderful night view of bright lights that they cannot possibly see in the daytime. Dressed with all kinds of colored lights, the Expo Site looks brilliant and
    charming at night.
    Fourth, the Expo is morepleasing and comfortable at night because pavilions provide more and better interactive activities at night. There are performances at the Expo Cultural Center every night, and concerts performed by world-famous singers on weekends.
    Fifth, services are still excellent at night. Tourists canglutthemselves with delicacies at a food plaza (广场) which is ablaze with lights even past 10 p.m.. In addition, the plaza is much less crowded and busy at night than during day.
    1. What's the disadvantage of touring the Shanghai World Expo Site at night?
    A. Protecting yourself from the blazing sun.
    B. Avoiding crowds of people.
    C. Avoiding peak hours.
    D. Less visiting time.
    2. A night-time ticket __________.
    A. costs twice less than a daytime ticket.
    B. allows the tourists half as much time as a daytime ticket.
    C. allows the tourists to visit more pavilions.
    D. offers the tourists a free dinner at a food plaza.
    3. Which of the following is wrong according to the passage?
    A. The tourists can have a wonderful night view of bright lights at the Expo Site.
    B. The Expo Site looks brilliant and charming at night because of all kinds of colored lights.
    C. Tourists can enjoy interactive activities at night.
    D. There are performances and concerts performed by world-famous singers at the Expo Cultural Centre every night
    4. The underlined word "glut"in the last paragraph means ________.
    A. overfeed
    B. help
    C. enjoy
    D. make
    本题信息:2012年黑龙江省期中题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:谢雪莲
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