

  • 阅读理解
    Walking is the best and the cheapest way to lose weight. The best time to walk to lose weight is in the
    early morning in fresh air, because it has many benefits. Firstly, it doesn't disturb your daily routine activities.Secondly, it does not only help lose weight, but it's also useful for good health. Thirdly, you won't get an
    excuse that you didn't get time to go for  your workout due to your tight schedule. It's scientifically proved
    that walking in the early morning to lose weight helps you to burn calories faster than at any time of the day.Having a good morning walk and then a healthy breakfast can help to increase the metabolism (新陈代谢) of your body. As the metabolism increases, you burn more calories.
    The first thing to do is to set up a goal that you want to achieve. Therefore, work out a walking routine.
    At first, start walking three times a week, and then slowly increase it to five times a week. It's advisable not
    to overdo walking, as it can have side effects on the body. Here are certain easy steps that you need to
    follow when you start your daily walking routine.
    Warm-up is an important activity that is to be done before you start to do any kind of exercise. A light
    warmup period of about 15 minutes is enough. It will warm up your muscles and avoid any injury to your
    body. Exercising without warmup can be dangerous and must be avoided.
    Make sure that you don't stop anywhere in between your 30 or 45 minutes' walk. Slow down if
    necessary. Stopping in your walk won't help you. Instead, slowing down your speed will help to burn more calories.
    While walking, take long strides (步伐) and swing your arms in a rhythm.This will use up muscles and
    help burn more calories.
    In a word, regularity and correctness in walking is the key to success. Best of luck!
    Title Walking to Lose Weight
    Topic The best time to walk to lose weight is in the early morning in fresh air.
    1._____ Avoid 2._____your daily routine activities.
    Be good for health.Make you have no 3._____ to escape workout. Help you burn calories
    faster than at any time of the day.
    Walking routine Start walking three times a week at first.Slowly 4._____ it to five times a week. Don't 5._____
    6._____ Warm up for about 15 minutes to prevent your body being 7._____. Don't 8._____anywhere but slow down in between your 30 or 45 minute' walk. Take long strides and swing your arms in a
    Summay Walking 10._____ and correctly is the key to losing weight.

    本题信息:2012年安徽省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘倩
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本试题 “任务型读写。Walking is the best and the cheapest way to lose weight. The best time to walk to lose weight is in theearly morning in fresh air, beca...” 主要考查您对


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