

  • 阅读理解
    We all know who Benjamin Franklin was. He was a very famous American
    statesman. He was also the first man to discover electricity. Franklin liked to
    study and to learn about new things. One day he heard from a friend that
    something black in colour holds the heat better than something white in colour.
    Franklin wanted to find out if this was true or not.
    There was snow on the ground at the time. So he put two large pieces of
    cloth over the snow. One piece of cloth was black in colour, the other piece was
    white. Then he waited until the sun began to shine. After several hours he looked
    under the pieces of cloth and saw that the snow under the black cloth melted
    much faster than the snow under the white cloth. This proved to him that the black
    cloth held the heat better than the white cloth.
    Soon after this, people began to wear white hats and white clothes during
    the summer because they were cooler.
    (     )1. Benjamin Franklin was only a scientist.
    (     )2. One day a friend of his told him something about the relation(关系)
    between colour and heat.
    (     )3. Something black in colour holds heat better than something white in
    (     )4. This story happened in summer.
    (     )5. People wear white clothes in summer because they know it is cooler.
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:高立宁
  • 本题答案
本试题 “根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。We all know who Benjamin Franklin was. He was a very famous Americanstatesman. He was also the first man to discove...” 主要考查您对


  • 人物传记类阅读