

  • 阅读理解
    Ellen and Bill County are both teachers. They met in college and became good friends because of their
    shared love for children. Two years after the couple got married, Ellen saw a huge change in the life of one
    of her students, a 9-year-old girl. Three years earlier both of the little girl's parents had died and there was
    no one to take care of her. She was taken away to live in a government office. But finally she was taken in
    and adopted by a family and became their daughter. Ellen said that she noticed the difference in the child's
    life after she was placed in a permanent home and thought that maybe she and her husband could help a
    child in a similar way.
    They decided to become temporary parents and to take a child into their home just on the weekends
    when the real parents could not take care of him or her. The pair planned to have their own children in a
    few years, but decided that this would be a way to give to the community in the meantime.
    The couple quickly grew to love one of the children they looked after. When he became legally available,
    Billy became the first child they took in permanently. Six months after adopting Billy, Ellen was told by her
    doctor that she was unable to have children naturally. Ellen says she knew then that adoption was the way
    she was meant to have a family.
    Since adopting Billy, now 17, Ellen and Bill have adopted five more children-Rose, 16; Albert, 11; Joshua,
    5 and in June 2003, they added biological brother and sister Tyler and Rylee to the County family. The County
    family has been recognized for their work on adoption, and has received many awards for their efforts. Last
    June, the family was even interviewed on the television show,"Adoption Stories".
    Ellen says she would like to encourage other families to adopt children. She adds that the best part of being
    a mother of six is: "Giving Josh a bath, putting a band-aid on a cut knee or just the everyday Mom things,
    that makes motherhood such an honor and a privilege."
    1. What is the passage mainly about?
    A. How a couple first met at college.
    B. Where you can adopt a child.
    C. The benefits of adoption to the community.
    D. How adoption created a happy family.
    2. Why did Ellen and Bill first decide to adopt a child?
    A. Because they had always loved students very much.
    B. Because they saw the benefits of adoption for a child.
    C. Because they were not able to have children of their own.
    D. Because they want to receive awards for their community work.
    3. Which of the children are related to each other by blood?
    A. Rylee and Tyler.
    B. Billy and Tyler.
    C. Albert and Joshua.
    D. Rose and Albert.
    4. The last paragraph _____.
    A. tells the reader how they can adopt a child
    B. describes the things that make Ellen happy
    C. says what Ellen does every day
    D. lists the problems Ellen has with the kids
    本题信息:2011年0127模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
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