

  • 阅读理解
    Karl Marx was born on May 5th, 1818. He went to high school and then continued his studies
    at a university. He received his doctor's degree in April, 1841.
    In 1842, Marx began writing articles for a newspaper. He wrote articles on many subjects, For
    example, he wrote about housing problems of the poor people and the hard life of the peasants. He
    started a new program called Communism. This new kind of political idea was supported by the
    working people, but hated by many governments. He and his wife had to move from one country to
    During the 1840s, Marx met Engels, another revolutionary writer and they became close
    friends. Together they wrote The Communist Manifesto. It closed with words that quickly became
    famous: Working people of all countries, unite!
    Name: Karl Marx
    Birthplace: Germany
    Lived in: Germany; France; Belgium; England
    Moved to London: in 1849
    Wrote (books): The Civil War in France The Communist Manifesto
    Wrote articles: on many subjects
    Political idea: Communist
    1. When and where was Karl Marx born?
    2. When did Karl Marx begin writing articles for a newspaper?
    3. Where did Karl Marx live?
    4. When did Karl Marx move to London?
    5. What was his political idea?
    本题信息:2011年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:孔建伟
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