

  • 完形填空
    One day I pulled up to my apartment building and noticed there was a father and daughter _1_ some
    things from a moving truck. Normally I'm shy away from contact with _2_.That particular day, though,
    something was in me; I can't explain _3_, but I felt like I should just help these people, even _4_
    something as seemingly unimportant as unloading a truck. So I _5_ and introduced myself, welcomed
    them to the town, and asked them to give me a(n) _6_ to put some proper shoes on. After I had flipflops
    (夹趾拖鞋)on, I went over and helped them move all of their _7_ into the apartment.
    After we finished, we talked some and I got to know my new _8_. It might seem unimportant, but it
    seems like people are less _9_ and friendly to their neighbors these days; I wanted to  10  that, at least
    in my small  11  block. So we did talk,and they're from Florida, just like me.
    At that  12  time in my life, I was going through a really difficult  13  with my girlfriend of 7 years. I
    didn't feel like helping anyone or doing anything  14  , but I figured why not?And I'm glad I did. Also, as
      15 would have it, their daughter is my age(college student)and we each had a mutual(相互的)  16 
    in one another. This developed into a friendship, and in the coming months, probably more.
    The  17  was the act itself, though. I got to know my new neighbors and made some new friends in
    the  18  . And I felt really good about it. Since then, I've tried  19  my comfort zone to perform other
    unplanned acts of  20  . So far, so good.I'd encourage everyone else to do the same!
    (     )1. A. excited        
    (     )2. A. eagerly        
    (     )3. A. watched        
    (     )4. A. return        
    (     )5. A. calmed        
    (     )6. A. study          
    (     )7. A. before        
    (     )8. A. letters        
    (     )9. A. knowledge      
    (     )10. A. confirmed    
    (     )11. A. pleased      
    (     )12. A. talk about    
    (     )13. A. call          
    (     )14. A. shyly        
    (     )15. A. classify      
    (     )16. A. Careful      
    (     )17. A. exposed      
    (     )18. A. trees        
    (     )19. A. looking into  
    (     )20. A. anxiously  
    B. tired        
    B. aimlessly    
    B. greeted      
    B. forget      
    B. settled      
    B. weekend      
    B. when        
    B. books        
    B. collection  
    B. assessed    
    B. low          
    B. think of    
    B. sound        
    B. bravely      
    B. collect      
    B. Dangerous    
    B. adapted      
    B. hooks        
    B. turning over
    B. hurriedly    
    C. amazed      
    C. gently      
    C. delighted  
    C. ignore      
    C. chatted    
    C. vacation    
    C. after      
    C. chalks      
    C. series      
    C. responded  
    C. thrilled    
    C. turn to    
    C. shout      
    C. rudely      
    C. open        
    C. Patient    
    C. adjusted    
    C. gifts      
    C. giving away
    C. delicately  
    D. relaxed      
    D. heavily      
    D. warned        
    D. refuse        
    D. argued        
    D. lesson        
    D. because      
    D. cards        
    D. bunch        
    D. explained    
    D. angry        
    D. connect with  
    D. voice        
    D. sadly        
    D. arrange      
    D. Hasty        
    D. attached      
    D. tears        
    D. packing up    
    D. casually     

    本题信息:2012年湖北省同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:耿辉(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空One day I pulled up to my apartment building and noticed there was a father and daughter _1_ somethings from a moving truck. Normally I'm s...” 主要考查您对


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