

  • 完形填空
    Christopher Reeve is best known as the man who acted Superman always fighting against the forces of
    evil(邪恶). He came to __1___ the victory of good over bad. Now he has taken on his __2___ fight.
    In 1995, __3___ riding his horse, Christopher Reeve was thrown to the ground. He broke his ___4__
    and has been paralyzed(瘫痪) ever since. He cannot move the muscle ___5__ his shoulder level and for
    six months after his accident he could not even __6___ without help. However, __7___ his terrible
    injuries, his goal is to carry on as __8___ a life as he can. He now spends a lot of time traveling around
    America __9___ for people who are in the same__10___ as he is.
    Over 215, 000 Americans suffer from spinal cord(脊髓) injuries, but 90% of them survive and live to
    a great age. Almost $9 billion is spent every year __11__ these people, yet only $5 million is spent on the
    ___12___ to find a cure. Christopher Reeve is a very ___13___ man, who will not accept that he will
    __14___ walk again. He and many others believe that the only thing stopping ___15__ from finding a cure
    for their injuries is ___16___ for research.
    In 1996, he set up the Christopher Reeve Foundation(CRF) to raise funds(资金) for medical research
    to treat and find a cure for spinal cord injuries, and also to support programs that improve the __17__ of
    life for people with___18__. Christopher Reeve makes the best of his position. He has conquered his
    ___19___. He has even returned to the ___20___ world with a $5, 000 wheelchair that can be controlled
    by sucking or puffing on a straw.
    (     )1. A. stand for  
    (     )2. A. own  
    (     )3. A. before
    (     )4.A. legs  
    (     )5 A. above   
    (     )6. A. jump    
    (     )7. A. instead of
    (     )8. A. normal  
    (     )9. A. allowing
    (     )10. A. country
    (     )11. A. treating  
    (     )12. A. hospital  
    (     )13. A. smart    
    (     )14. A. later
    (     )15. A. hospitals
    (     )16. A. time
    (     )17. A. equality
    (     )18. A. disabled  
    (     )19. A. fear  
    (     )20. A. business  
    B. call for  
    B. serious
    B. when   
    B. arm  
    B. below      
    B. work      
    B. in case of  
    B. pleased    
    B. writing  
    B. illness  
    B. caring  
    B. patients  
    B. young   
    B. possibly
    B. scientists
    B. equipment  
    B. quantity
    B. unable  
    B. spinal cord
    B. movie  
    C. apply for
    C. interesting
    C. after  
    C. back   
    C. from  
    C. breathe    
    C. in honor of
    C. easy  
    C. looking  
    C. situation  
    C. serving  
    C. research
    C. determined  
    C. hardly
    C. chemists  
    C. money
    C. quality  
    C. inability
    C. hardship  
    C. sports  
    D. allow for  
    D. hard      
    D. by        
    D. hand      
    D. of        
    D. think      
    D. in spite of
    D. difficult  
    D. speaking  
    D. part      
    D. curing    
    D. medicine  
    D. handsome  
    D. never      
    D. patients  
    D. views      
    D. equal      
    D. disability
    D. victory    
    D. pleasant  

    本题信息:2011年广西壮族自治区月考题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘芳婷(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空Christopher Reeve is best known as the man who acted Superman always fighting against the forces ofevil(邪恶). He came to __1___ the victor...” 主要考查您对


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